Publications Books


تقنية أطفال الأنابيب
Authored by Dr. Samir Abbas
توصيات حول الممارسات الطبية
Authored by Dr. Samir Abbas
كتاب حمل دون خوف .. ولادة دون ألم
Authored by Dr. Samir Abbas
اعطني طفلاً بأي ثمن
Authored by Dr. Samir Abbas


الإجهاض التلقائي المتكرر
Women's diseases
أهمية فحص ما قبل الزواج
Laboratory tests
الإخصاب المساعد
Women's diseases
فحوصات جديدة للسائل المنوي
Laboratory tests

I pray to Allah to always grant you and your families health and well-being. May He enable us to be the best advisors and providers of medical services for you whenever you need us.

Dr. Samir Abbas
Dr. Samir Abbas Hospital

Professor Samir Abbas, the founder of the hospital, has established numerous women's health centers across the kingdom. He is a renowned expert in infertility treatment, reproductive endocrinology, and women's health.